The Death Hunter Page 22
“I see. Well, we’re all human.”
“Oh, Dick, you must not think I betrayed you with another man!”
“You didn’t? That’s a new one.”
“Please don’t be so cynical. I know we were in love, and I told him I could not marry him until I made my peace with you.”
Captain Gringo tried not to smile as he said, “The guy wants to marry you, Helena? For God’s sake, take him up on it!”
She sighed and said, “I do not love him. In my heart, you shall always be my caballero. But I am afraid of winding up like my poor mother, if I married you.”
He said, “I understand, Helena. It’s rough on both of us, but perhaps it’s better this way.”
“You don’t intend to hold me to my promises to you?”
“I would if I only thought about myself instead of your happiness.”
She looked up at him with adoring tear-filled eyes and said, “Oh, you are so noble. If only you had a steady job.”
He said, “Just turn and walk away, Helena. I want to remember you as you are this moment.”
“Well, I could spend the night with you, for old time’s sake.”
“No, darling, it’s better this way. Go. Go and don’t look back.”
“But, Dick—”
“Not another word. We must be brave.”
Helena nodded, turned, and walked away. He watched her trim figure recede for a time as he wondered why guys got such a boot out of this scene in romantic novels. Then he shrugged and headed on across the park. When Gaston met him he was grinning ear to ear. Gaston grinned back and said, “I take it you got the money. I wasn’t sure you’d escape with your life!”
Captain Gringo chuckled and said, “Yeah, it was a narrow escape. As soon as we pay the other guys off, we’d better think about leaving town.”
“The world is our oyster, with money in our pockets for a change. Where do you suggest we go?”
Captain Gringo said, “I’ll tell you when we find a steamer that’s not headed anywhere we’re wanted.”
Gaston said, “Hmm, that narrows it down a bit, non?’
By Lou Cameron, writing as Ramsay Thorne
First Published by Warner Books in 1980
Copyright © 1980, 2014 by Lou Cameron
Published by Piccadilly Publishing at Smashwords: January 2015.
Names, characters and incidents in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader.
Cover image © 2015 by Tony Masero
This is a Piccadilly Publishing Book
Series Editor: Mike Stotter
Text © Piccadilly Publishing
Published by Arrangement with the Author.
The Renegade Series
Blood Runner
The Fear Merchant
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